After we left Dana Point early in the morning the day after the 4th (like 4 am early, to beat the heat), we drove to Las Vegas to stay with my sister Sonna for five days. Here is my family above before Tyler joined. I’m the goofball, and Sonna is the beautiful little cherub.
(mom, I like your hairstyle/cut. Time for a revisit?)
Sonna let me scan some of her old photos since mine are all burned, and I couldn’t help posting these two of her when she was one and two. So so cute. She was and is just the best sister in the whole world.

And look how lovely she is, even all pregnant as she was in this photo. She and Sloan have made the most lovely home out in Henderson. Her first home is MUCH cooler than my first home. She's just generally cooler in every way. She’s my idol.

She had us meet her out at The District on the south end of the Strip since we had never enjoyed the kids’ playground and splash pad there. Good stuff. I love how Vegas has become all cool and trendy since we moved. Grrr. Our best spot used to be the Belz Factory Outlet Mall. A lot has changed. Have always loved the place though… and I still think it was the best place in the world to grow up in. Go Green Valley!
We also got to spend some quality time with my little (big) bro Tyler and check out his crib. He’s lookin’ an awful lot like my late Uncle Steven in these photos. I think he’s especially excited to finally be able to grow some facial hair. Hmmmm….
Jonah loaned him our German Military hat.
(The kids also took turns spending the night over at my dad’s house so they could get some one-on-one time, as opposed to the mass/mess of kids he got to endure in San Diego.)
The best part was hanging out with my extra cool niece Ruthie and especially awesome nephew Gabe (aka Reggie). He’s such a little stud. He’s just three months older than Po and they got along really well (much better than Elsie and Ruthie at their age, actually).
Sonna was also so nice to set up some best-thing-ever get-togethers with some of my best friends who still live in Vegas. Here is Cam thoroughly enjoying the Krahenbuhls’ incredible pool/waterslide/waterfall/swim-in bar backyard.
Jamie’s kids are as adorable as I always thought they would be, and it was just heaven for me to get to hang out with her and her family for the afternoon. But it also makes me so sad that I live so far way. Hopefully I’ll be able to get them out to visit soon. (Hint hint Jamie!)

Sonna and I also feel mighty accomplished because we got two of my best friends together at the same time, which lately only happens about every five years. We were missing some other very important members of the old crew, but so wonderful that Mike (with wife Nicole and son Zeke) and Brad (with daughter Bailey) drove all the way across town to have a family evening at the park with us. Brad’s wife Julie was there too, but she was sitting over by me, so she didn’t get in the picture I guess (she was very pregnant at the time with her fourth, so we should have made her jump up for the photo, darn it). A bunch of other friends came too, including the Chatwins and Sean Cropper.

I especially loved seeing all of the kids play together. It’s just a dream for me to get together with my old friends and to get to know their kids and relive the old memories and make new ones. Thanks Sonna for making it happen!

Thanks Sloan too for being so fun with the kids. He’s always the one getting everybody out to the pool, on a bike ride, or playing baseball. Thanks for hosting us and putting up with our distractions to your studying (he’s in dental school).

And on the last night we had a big Family Home Evening with Shannon and her family. We even got Tyler and his girlfriend to come over too, so we got this rare photo of the three Fegert siblings together. (I especially love Sonna’s cute pregnant belly.) Sibling Rivalry Tour!
Our visit was too short, but we sure had a great time and made some good memories.
Can’t wait to do it again!!
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