Saturday, March 10, 2012

Do not try this at home...

Today is our 12 year anniversary! To commemorate we decided to put our marriage through a very tough test: installing wood floors together. We are (hopefully) finishing the installation today after a week's worth of full time plus. The first day or so was fun, although we didn't know what we were doing. The middle few days was somewhat tricky, with stretches of efficiency but also lots of hiccups. This last part has been smooth sailing though. Jonah does most of the hard work, but I'm in charge of the messy glue and all the clean up at the end of the day. Is this a metaphor for marriage? I wouldn't know... We are still in Newlywed stage.

Ana has been the best helper of all, by the way. Wow. That girl is smart and efficient. A true Beer (that's my mom's family) when it comes to working. Or a true Linda. Too bad there aren't five of her. Except when she sits down to eat... Then we only want one. Chow down!

We have all moved into the garage to be able to do the floors--Little House on the Prairie one room cabin style. Cam says he would like to live out there forever, mainly because we took both big beds and pushed them together for one super giant bed. Plus, one bed is about 6 inches lower than the other, so the kids use the crib mattress to make a slide. Poem played on it for about six hours yesterday.

I myself do not want to live in the garage forever, though I've slept in worse places (like in the car, airports, airplanes, and on the floor of the bathroom during a bout of food poisoning).

The kids have found other good ways to entertain and educate themselves whilst we install the bamboo. See photos below.

But back to the main point, I am so dearly blessed to have been married to Jonah. He is a stalwart and loving man. He is completely committed o me and our marriage and our family. He always apologizes even when I should. He's also a total stud. Hubba Hubba!


Becky Chatwin said...

I am totally dying to see more pictures of the house, I am sure it will be gorgeous! This is Becky Savage Chatwin, by the way....I am blog stalking you, haha!

eyre blog said...

nice tatts girls! we were thinking about you on your anniversary but didn't tell you about it. I'm glad that I found Noah so that I could know you guys(Except I was a little bugged when Noah left Hawaii to go to your wedding). We can't wait to see you guys.

Amanda said...

whooo-hoooo! Happy Anniversary on SAT!! 12 years!! (Parker got married on your anniversary... to the cutest girl ever!)

Can't wait to see the finished floors... everything you guys do is stellar, I already know it's amazing!

:) say hello to the ocean for us... love you guys, J and A (Cra!)

Cassie said...

12 years! Isn't unbelievable? I mean, I know Will and I said we'd be together forever but when people ask how long we've been married my instinct is to say "3 years". Which is highly inappropriate since we have four (almost 5) kids and the oldest is 10. Anyway, happy 12 years to you and Jonah! Way to make it though a variety of home renovations. I wish we could rent your house for the summer--but then we'd miss seeing you guys. Sigh!

sonna said...

12 years!! congrats guys. the floors look fab. i can't believe you're doing it all yourselves with 4 kids at home. you amaze.