I am not bragging when I say that Jonah and I have chosen to do some crazy stuff together. Every time I am in the midst of another self-made hurricane, I think, “Wow! This is the top of the crazy cake.” BUT, I really think this, what we are doing right now, tops the crazy cake. My favorite moment (where was my camera?!) was when I walked by the bedroom that we all share that was completely unorganized and disastrous and gross, and on the top of one of the piles of stuff was a big, lovely book entitled, Pottery Barn Home. Ha!
Tonight I brought the kids home after swim team and Jonah was still out running errands, so I made the kids corn dogs and green peas. A friend had cleaned out his freezer and filled ours and so that was what literally fell out onto the sawdust covered floor when I checked to see what I could feed the increasingly hungry children. It was a sign!
I think what I keep trying to teach myself is how to have sanity and consistency despite the crisis. I know we all do this… I excuse myself out of things that should be consistent commitments because of what I think are extenuating circumstances. But honestly, life is one big extenuating circumstance.
I thought a lot about this during Elsie’s birthday party last week—I could have postponed until we had a proper and cute house or until my schedule was free, but really, when is that going to happen?! Might as well get it over with now.
I think about this too with the kids’ homeschooling—I’ll really be organized and involved in their education once we get settled… but then again, why not now!? Jonah and I are the masters of saying, “Well, we wanted to live in Hawaii some day, so why not now?!” but I’m still working on the smaller, more important things.
So, my New Year’s goal is to not have goals… it is to do it. Now. And to keep doing it.
The other New Year’s resolution that we have been working on as a family… because we are loud…

we pulled out the ohmmmmmm ohmmmmmmm thing last night for dinner. the kids just looked at us like we were crazy. needs some practice!
"I excuse myself out of things that should be consistent commitments because of what I think are extenuating circumstances. But honestly, life is one big extenuating circumstance." I LOVE this quote. So true. My "to do list" is never clear but if it were, I guess I'd be dead. Hang in there.
love this aja. I needed this reminder. i need also to just do things now instead of waiting till things are settled. what a wise reminder.
wish i had corn dogs in the freezer.
Oh Man, I am going to wall paper our entire house with that yelling quote. We are so darn loud here! I wish I was a better example but I know the kids learned this yelling thing from me. Sigh. Let me know how that resolution--er--doing it now works out.
corn dogs are a frequent source of divine intervention in our house too
i love that quote :)
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