Friday, November 11, 2011

August 2011 Noah and Kristi Visit

Poem with new toothers

We were so sad when Sonna and family left Blakely, and then we left Blakely and we had a day to be sad and then Jonah’s brother Noah and his family arrived from San Diego for Labor Day weekend. YAY!

 Noah and Jonah on the ferry

Jonah knew Noah and family were up for something exciting, so he picked them up late from the airport and had them help him pick up a Mercedes he had bought a month before but didn’t run too well. Basically, it didn’t run in first gear, so Noah had to get out and push it anytime they stopped. He was a very good sport about it and they made it home in good time.


 Lyla bald eagle

Everytime we see a bald eagle (which is at least once a day), Jonah calls Noah and leaves a message for Lyla, “I see a bald eagle flying!” I don’t know the origin of this whole thing, but luckily Jonah took Lyla to the Audobon center after church so she could see one up close.

 House from the fields

We took some good walks with the other Eyres. That’s our roof in the middle of these lush fields.



McKay and Lyla were great blackberry pickers too.


 Ear candling

We also did the usual, like crabbing and ear candling.  (This is Noah and Jonah).


 Elsie and Lyla

Even though Noah and Kristi’s kids are almost 2 years younger than ours, they are the same size as ours. They are also very similar in looks, don’t you think?!

 Cam and McKay at beach

Cam and McKay at the beach. I think McKay was expecting Southern California temperatures.



They also took a boat ride out to the light house. Foggy.


 McKay driving boat

McKay driving the little boat.


 Elsie at Lake Crescent

We took a trip to Lake Crescent and it was a total delight. Warm. Stunning. NO ONE else there. Everybody (except Kristi and I) skiied some good runs. It was one of those perfect days.


Elsie chasing duck at Lake Crescent

Elsie even found a duck to torment.

 Waterskiing Lake Crescent

One of the most beautiful spots on earth.


 Jonah waterskiing

Go Jonah on the wood ski!

 Poem at Lake Crescent

 Ana waterskiing closeup

Ana is doing well skiing on one long Maharajah wood ski and one old homemade ski I found in someone’s garbage pile. She dropped the homemade ski, of course.


 Cousins on the couch

Rrrarh! Sadly, those Eyres didn’t get to stay for very long, but we packed it in while they were here. Thanks for visiting Eyres!


Jonah and Aja said...

Yes Ana is wearing a wetsuit. She has some Fegert genes in her and gets cold. We also found an amazing rope swing. We had to climb a tree with the rope and then drop out of the tree.

Jonah and Aja said...

Noah and his kids make the most unusual poses and smiles for photos. We love it.