Friday, November 11, 2011

August 2011 Blakely

Ana and Ruthie on runway with Hudson

We had some fun adventures getting to Blakely this year since my dad didn’t have his boat in the water or his little plane to come and get us like last year. There is no public ferry to the island either. But, we did make it! And perfect timing, too. The weather was gorgeous the whole time.

Blakely Island is up in the San Juan Islands near the Canadian border. My grandparents on my dad’s and then parents have had property there since the 1970s. We were lucky enough growing up to get to spend summers up there and escape the Las Vegas heat while relishing in the magic of summer in the Northwest. Jonah and I got engaged on the island on New Year’s Eve 1999. Needless to say, it is one of my most special spots on earth.

It was extra special to have all the cousins together, too. We were just missing Tyler’s girl Riley. Next year we will have to make sure EVERYBODY is there (hint hint, Tyler).

Four wheeler

For the last few years, my dad hasn’t been able to take much time off to come up, but we did get him for a whole week this year. The kids loved all the Papa time (and Dodie time too!). Plus, my grandma Nonie was on the island for the whole time so we got lots of fun Nonie time too.

big bootie

We had some great late August heat, so we spent a whole lot of time up at the lake. Poem was working on her tan lines.


 Jonah and Poem on runway

Bum crack!


 Peak with Family plus Ruthie

When I looked at this photo a few days ago, I thought, “WOW! I have a LOT of kids!” Then I realized there was one extra in the photo.

This is up at the peak—our special spot to go and watch the sunsets.


 Sonna and Sloan

Sonna and Sloan (sorry about the blur… their romance automatically added a softening filter I guess).


 Anas glowing hair

No explanation necessary.


 Hudson on the Peak

Hudson loved the island.  Good to have a dog around again since poor Dozer assed away in 2000.


 Anas teepee at the Peak

Ana and her annual Peak Teepee.

 Hudson kisses Poem


 Peak sunset

Can’t beat those sunsets! Golden!


 Anas finished teepee

The teepee with moss roof.


 Elsie and a starfish

We also did some good tidepool exploration.


 Horseshoe lake Sonna canoe

On our way across the lake to the rope swing.


 Anas birthday

Ana was so lucky and got to have her 10th Birthday on the island! I’m so jealous (to be ten again, AND to have a birthday on Blakely).


 Cousins at Anas birthday

Happy Birthday ANA!


She was so good about not having a friend birthday party this year (first year every), and it probably helped that I had let her have an end-of-the-year party, and I let the kids choose between a friend birthday party and a special trip.


Anyway, we can’t believe our baby is ten!!!


We had a perfect time on Blakely this year! Thanks Dad and Roxanne.


Cassie said...

Our whole family was at target last night (a circus if ever there was one...) and our cashier asked how old Lorien was. I almost said 4 right out loud before actually answering that she was 10. 10! I cannot believe these girls are 10! Happy belated birthday Ana!

Josh said...

That's too bad that Dozer assed away in 2000.