Jonah went to Cozumel for their bi-decade Father and Brothers (called FFE in his family) get-together. How great to have ALL the brothers, brothers-in-law, and Pappy Rick together for a dive trip! Oh, and don't forget Raymundo the dive instructor... and Charity's husband to be!
Just before the underwater camera broke from going down too deep.... oops.
They are looking at a shark down there... and David is about to shake it by the tail to try and wake it up, so they said.
Jonah had a great time, even when his flight was delayed by four days to get home... he actually had to take a boat to Cancun to get home in two because he missed us so much. He loves hanging with the bros, and his sides are finally recovered from laughing so hard. Glad he could go and wish they could do it more often!
ah aj, you never disappoint :)
Cool trip!
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