We have been getting some good use out of our karaoke machine (thanks Dad), and had a family rock party. Since Cam can't read the words and sing along, he went and grabbed the guitar so he could join in the action. He even grew a mustache for the occasion.
Cam had a fun little fourth birthday this week. He got to spend the night at my moms and then have breakfast at McDonald's on the way home. We had his little friends (8 of them) over for a lunchtime "Cowafunga!" Ninja Turtle birthday party during which we had pizza, played "Ninja, Ninja, Shredder" and "fishing for party favors", and then ate some cupcakes. Cam spent the afternoon playing with his new GeoTrax accessories, and then I took just him and Ana to a dumpy arcade place that they love and gave them $5 worth of tokens to share. That evening, Cam feasted on plain shrimp (his current favorite) and more cake. After my mom took Ana to her house to spend the night, Jonah and I played with Cam and his new Nerf guns and GeoTrax. We sure do love that kid. As he would say, "COWAFUNGA, DAWGS!"
GeoTrax are HUGE in our house. We're slowly running out of space for all of them. Even my daughter wants a remote control train of her own - good thing her birthday is coming up! Love the trains but HATE the batteries!!
Happy Birthday Cam!! I thought for sure we'd get to see Aj rockin' the native flute in the mix too!!! Oh, well. Cute bunch of pictures anywho. XOXO
So cute! You take great photos. I love your idea about having a party for the parents after the first year, although every day since Sera turned 1 has been a party for me--it's so much easier! We got our blog up and running at themitchellmessenger.blogspot.com
come visit--although I should get formatting tips from you sometime. You're a pro!
I can't believe that Google didn't notify me about these birthday entries! It's great to be updated! I'll just keep checking from now on. Cam is ADORABLE!
Love ya'll!
US in Australia
We missed you at Disneyland and for a visit here! Sorry I never got back to you about the backpacks. I totally want one if they're still available, but if not no worries. She may be too chubby anyway. Miss you guys. Come visit soon!
what's this about backpacks? I want one if shawni wants one, even if I don't know what you're talking about. And oh, what an awesome looking rock band.....can we join forces with you sometime?
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