Friday, February 1, 2008

Baby Baby One Two Three

Here are some of Elsie's favorite things to do lately, which I thought I should record before she moves out of this stage and I forget about them. For those who have had a one-year-old before, this will sound familiar. To those who have not, you are probably wondering what possesses people to have more than one child.

1. Crawling right into the sweep piles, covering herself with crumbs and spreading the pile everywhere while I've gone to get the dustpan. She also sometimes finds things to eat in the pile.
2. Playing "splash, splash, splash" in any open toilet she can find.
3. Pulling the TP off the roll with reckless abandon.
4. Looking into the trashcans and grabbing papers out, studying them for a moment, then flamboyantly throwing them over her shoulder.
5. Pretending she lives in a snowglobe by tossing the contents of the paper shredder everywhere (we've since put the paper shredder in the back of a closet).
6. Helping me organize my house by unloading the contents every bathroom drawer in the house.
7. When she doesn't want anymore of her food, she likes pretending that her hand is a windshield wiper and clears off her own tray (on to the floor).
8. Looking at Jonah and I very seriously while we are saying, "no, no" and then cracking a huge grin. Sometimes she laughs.
9. Putting EVERYthing in her mouth. One time, she had four screws in her mouth. As far as I can tell, the only inedible thing she's actually swallowed was a silver sequin. (Aniston swallowed a paper clip, so I'm vigilant as I can be).
10. Singing and dancing. If she hears a beat, she starts moving to it. She even dances when I carry her around when I'm wearing my track pants. They make a rhythmic "swoosh swoosh" sound that she thinks is the intro to an electric pop song.
11. Climbing up the stairs. Oops, but she doesn't know how to get back down. We're working on that. No tumbles yet.
12. Climbing INTO the dishwasher. If the dishwasher is dirty, she likes to pull out silverware and try and put them in her mouth... we've caught her just in time everytime.
13. Pulling the business cards off of their holder and bending them in half one by one, which makes them useless to us. The business cards have also now been put in the back of the office closet with the shredder.

Things Elsie does not like:
1. Getting her fingers caught in the cupboards and drawers about ten times a day.
2. Being weaned down to two nursings a day. She keeps meowing at me like a cat (I'm serious) to tell me she wants to nurse. So, I give her a cup with a straw in it instead. She still can't get the bottle thing figured out.
3. Having to get out of the bath.

Since I haven't caught her on camera yet, here's some photos of Ana at the same age (well, actually, she was only 8 months old... but those first children are so advanced).


Chelsea said...

That is too funny! 1 year olds are the BEST! It was so good to see you guys over the holidays! I love peeking at your blog :)

Eric said...

Oh that list sounds like my lovely days with London! One year olds are trouble. But their trouble always makes me smile :).

brittanimae said...

I should copy your list to my blog and claim it as my own. I'd take a 1-year-old over a baby any day though--I LOVE the smiles.