Monday, March 26, 2012

A dryer!

No photos yet because we are still living in the garage on beds perched on our boxes of stuff and I don't have the energy to bring out the gear necessary to add photos... so just use your imagination.

But I can say that a glorious thing happened this weekend when we finally got 220v power back here to the garage and we were able to plug in the dryer!! Now, I am no enemy of line drying (that's how they roll in New Zealand and Hawaii)... but winter is glorious, and warm, and wet on Maui so it was taking the clothes a whole six days to dry (inside the garage, of course, because the carport is a sawdust mess and a clothes line anywhere else would be subject to the daily rainstorms). Plus, I only had enough line space for one load of laundry... any of you can do the math. Basically we've all been wearing the same two outfits for three weeks. But GLORIOUS DAY! we have a dryer! I've finally been able to shrink Cam's new underpants so they don't sag so much (sorry buddy, I had to preserve that for history's sake), I've finally been able to wash Ana's stuffed dog that she still sleeps with every night, and I've finally been able to wash all of Po's cloth diapers at the same time. I feel so much excitement. What will it be like to finally have a dishwasher?! We haven't had one since we lived in Saint George, and that was exactly three years ago.

In other news, the floors are done!! They are gorgeous. Po goes in the house and just lays on them and pets them. Why then are we still living in the garage? Not because it is so cozy. And not because we finally moved enough stuff into the house that there is now room for Ana to twirl around in one spot ("I can finally twirl around in here! It's been weeks!"). Nope. We still have to wait for the electricians to get all the electrical updated and the baseboards installed and painted. It's just too hard to do it when the furniture is in there in the way. Plus it's not very safe to have the kids in the house right now with all the electrical stuff going on. But we are THRILLED that the end is in sight. So thrilled. This house is just gorgeous too. We love it more and more every day.

I know Jonah secretly thinks I'm fairly spoiled to get to enjoy such modern conveniences... but don't worry honey... I can still hack it out in the woods in a tent...


Eric said...

My name is Michelle and I found your blog from Shawni's blog (we crossed paths years ago as Romanian missionaries). My family is moving to Laie Hawaii (to work at BYU-H) and I was wondering if you'd be willing to answer some of my questions about moving to Hawaii.

Thanks so much.

Michelle Rackley

Linda said...

HOORAY! Aja you are a true champion! Can't wait to see the finished product. Bet you can't either. Good luck on the survival in the garage and dry away!

Linda said...

HOORAY! Aja you are a true champion! Can't wait to see the finished product. Bet you can't either. Good luck on the survival in the garage and dry away!

sonna said...

Love it Aj. you make me want to hug my dishwasher. but also amazed at your ability to hack it. love ana's twirling. no pictures needed!