Yes, we LOOOVVVEEE Halloween in this family. Elsie asks EVERY day, "is it Halloween yet?" It was such a delight to wake up this morning and say, "YES! It's Halloween today!!"
Hopefully you don't need the explanation, but I am an Oyster and Pearl, Cam is a Shark, Elsie is a Mermaid, Ana is a Jellyfish, and Jonah is a Crab.
Elsie was very good at sitting in my oyster shell at the Halloween parties (especially because her mermaid tail was so tight she could hardly walk). Next year, maybe she could use the shell again and reenact Botticelli's Birth of Venus, but she'll have to grow her hair longer and get a body double. And I don't know how I'd make the flying cherubs around her.
YAY! You guys are so cool! I look forward to your Halloween costumes EVERY year! darling!!!
Dang, you're creative with the costumes! I blame you that I can't resist doing a themed Halloween every year or two ourselves. Hope you got enough candy!
You guys are the best. Those jellyfish pictures are SO good but Elsie's shell bra is my fav.
Unbelievable! Oh my heck, how in the world did you figure all that stuff out??? Spectacular! How could you possibly find "a shell" at the DI? You are amazing!!!
just to say a superlative:
Those are the best Halloween costumes and get ups that I HAVE EVER SEEN!
You guys are so clever! Who knew jellyfish could do such awesome ninja moves?
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