Thursday, April 29, 2010


We got a little crazy the two weeks before Sonna came. We basically remodeled the whole house...if you can call it that on a house this bad. We painted most of the rooms, all of the floors, replaced the cabinets, and cleaned and replaced the toilet in the back bathroom.
Total cost: $150!
Also, we did a garage sale with a few other families...that was crazy.


The new cabinets make a HUGE difference. And granite countertop.
Too nice for this house, but I am loving it.

The back bathroom... still needs help, but totally usable. Can you tell Jonah took all these photos because they are from so high up?

Living room.

Piano room. Hope the piano doesn't break through the floor.


Ana's room is a little messy and we're only halfway done with the mural, but you get the idea.


Ana's room.


I got a bunch of freeish upholstery fabric, so I upholstered Cam's bedroom walls. It's awesome and easy. I highly suggest it.


Our room has all the storage bins in it, so it is boring. But, its a room!


This is how it was before. Everybody in one big room.


And the kitchen.

Yea! Thanks Jonah for all the work. It makes a huge happy difference!


Linda said...

GOOD HEAVENS! No wonder you're tired! How in the heck did you do all that for $150??? I am totally disoriented! Where are all those rooms? I know Ana's room but she said that the other back bedroom was going to be a workroom. Is that now Cam's room? Where does Elsie sleep? Your guys are way past amazing! It BEAUTIFUL!

Get some sleep!

atec said...

Wow, way to go it looks AWESOME!

bostonshumways said...

holy schnikie.....that place looks awesome! Nice work. I'm especially impressed with the price of all of it. You guys rule.

Saren said...

It looks so so so nice. Way to go. You guys never cease to amaze me! I loved Jo's story about how you got those beautiful cabinets, countertop, sink, etc for $5. Seriously, you need to write a book about getting good deals and living a beautiful life on next-to-nothing!

Eli said...

that is what you call Lipstick on a Pig. That is a really nice kind of lipstick though. Looks awesome!

Shawni said...

One word for you guys: AMAZING. You work miracles. We love you.

Anita and Tal said...

Holy, that is looking good. I loved the Parisa Faucet in the kitchen. Go Price Pfister.

brittanimae said...

You know what? Come visit us and fix our house--we'll pay the fare and pay you to do it. Because let me tell you, we've been working night and day for what seems like months and have not gotten so far . . . and have spent WAY more than $150. You guys win the game of life for sure!

Also, you and Sonna are TWINS! Gorgeous sisters, seriously.

Karine Constantin (Traductrice) said...

Great job! Looks cosy now!

charity eyre wright said...

holy cow. that is incredible. it looks so great!!!

Amanda said...

Wow, what a difference! You two do amazing work! :)

sheryl said...

I was looking for family photo ideas and somehow google brought me to your blog. You have a beautiful family! You also take awsome photos. I love the black and white oversized pictures of the kids on the wall by the sofa. Will you share how you did them? I would love to do that with my grandkids.