We closed on our house on March 16th or something like that and we moved out. Most of our stuff (what's left of it... we sold most everything with the house) will sit in our trailer and up at Jonah's dad's cabin until we can ship it to New Zealand when we obtain a more permanent visa/permit. The stuff we need right away is stuffed into 10 bags weighing exactly 500 lbs to come on the flight with us over to NZ. We leave April 1st. We've been so relieved about the house... I think. Mostly we've been exhausted and trying hard to get everything done before we leave, but I think underneath that is relief and gratitude.

Ana had her last horse show at Red Ridge Ranch, and her BFF Megan got to come and watch. She rocked the barrel competition and even beat all the intermediate riders! She has improved so much this year and I'm so pleased with all the work she's put into earning money to attend lessons and to do well with them. Good work, Ana!
She is so happy about her four first place ribbons in all the events and the Champion Beginner Horse Rider Trophy she's got there. This girl LOVES trophies (I didn't tell her it is actually a plaque).
The week after Ana's horse competition we contiued packing up our junk. We also took a couple days and drove up to Salt Lake City to see Jonah's family. His sister Shawni and her family were luckily up there for Dave's (Shwni's husband) family's reunion, so we got to have a day with them and the cousins. Here's Cam with his twin cousin Claire. They become goof-masters 2000 when they are together and can't stop laughing. It's pretty cute.
The favorite toys of the visit were this old nasty ace bandage....
...and these animal masks that turned Cam and Claire into Super Raccoon and Princess Bunny.
Here's the crew... and that's Cam in the chicken outfit there in front in case you missed him.
Elsie is really going to miss her BCF Lucy!
She's finally catching up to Lucy in height... but it might just be those boots.
Ana is REALLY REALLY going to miss her BCF Gracie. Luckily they share matching buckers!
After Shawni's family left for their reunion, we spent some time at our favorite Hogle Zoo. The animals were especially active on the second day that we visited the zoo (yes, we went twice) and it was a nice goodbye from all of our animal friendies.
Here is Cam the SLOTH with Uncle Eli, who luckily came back from Miami in time to give us one last visit.
Ana is also a sloth I guess.
After Spring Break, we spent one last week in St. George at Jonah's sister's. She lives next door to the house we just sold, so we didn't have to change our routine much. The cousins had some good play time in, too... especially all the princesses above.
Elsie and her great protector Isaac (or IIIIIzzzzzie!)
The most emotional part of our move was leaving all our great friends (and family) in Saint George. Like Cam's BFF Heath; these guys are like peas and carrots and have played together almost every day for the last year. Their favorite things to do are play legos, make ships (out of anything they can find), watch movies about the Titanic, talk about cruise ships, play in water, eat PBJs, play Roblox, and chat about the universe and its happenings. We are going to miss Heath and his family so much. 

Ana had her last piano lesson (she was excited, but not me) and last horse riding lesson with her great coach Rosemary.

This is her current favorite horse at the ranch, Smoothie. She switched to riding English saddle these last few lessons to prepare herself for NZ.
Cam really enjoyed his last two days of preschool, too. Here's the moon sand above...
And the endlessly fun tire swing at the preschool playground. I couldn't get his other BFF Hadley in a picture, but Hadley went to preschool with Cam and they've been playing together since they were two and now they finished a year of preschool together. Man! Cam was so lucky to have great friends in St. George. I can't believe we're leaving!
Here's one of Ana's school teachers, Ms. Hammond.
We had a little party on Thursday night with some of our friends, and Cam, Heath and Hadley snuck out and played in the hot tub for two hours (we knew they were in there, don't worry). Cam came out looking like the dying Elliot on the movie E.T. You know, when Elliot's lying on the bathroom floor... this photo is after Cam recovered a little bit.
Ana spent the night before her last day of school writing a personal note and a few compliments to every kid in her class. My favorite was, "Juan: I like how you write. I will miss you. Bye, Ana."
Here are all the girls in Ana's class on her last day of school in Saint George.
Here's the kids in our car pool (minus Ashton and Ana).
After Ana got out of school on Friday, we drove down here to Las Vegas to spend a few days with my dad and to see some friends. The kids were delighted to spend some REAL quality time at the parks.

My dad also took us to the Boulder City airport where he keeps his planes and we LUCKED out and got to see a load of skydivers land, six helicopoters take off, and watch a 1940s Marine fighter plane and a few others take off and land. It was pretty cool, I must say.
And, the kids got to make this killer fort. Fun times. Man, its good to be homeless.
Talk about a busy family - oh my. Just reading about all you've been up to is tiring :). We hope you have a fabulous time in New Zealand and don't forget to post about all you are doing over there!!!
WOW...it's only 3 days away now! I can't believe you guys are taking off to NZ again...maybe we'll actually make it to come visit you this time eh? I would LOVE it. AND holy cow, you guys are amazing. How do you take it all in stride so easily? I truly do admire you guys. What are the kiddos doing for school...to finish this school year? Do they attend school in NZ or do home school? Are you going to be permanent residents of NZ now or is this long-term temporary?
Hope we get to see you again in the next couple years!
Oh man, I was sorry when I came to the end of this blog...even after all the fabulous pictures of all those cousins, "animals", real and costumed,adorable children BCFs and BFFs and princesses. It's just such sweet sorrow to think the end of an amazing era! Loved every word and every picture.
Aja, you are just so amazing to be able to get through all that without losing your mind and Jonah, you are just so incredible at making things work out...no matter what. You are going to have a fabulous adventure, complete with ups and downs but you're champs at that! We love you and will dearly miss you...until we see you again, which won't be long, whether it's you coming back for a visit or us coming there. Wow, I love that someone invented blogs. They're just THE BEST! Keep all this good stuff coming. We'll be waiting with baited breath to see how life unfolds in New Zealand! Loved being with you all this week!
Love to all!
Grammie and Grandfather
Wow. I cannot believe you guys are leaving SO soon!! We are gonna miss you like crazy. I'[m sitting here reading this with Jo. Thanks for sharing him with us on his last couple days in the U.S. Have fun at Disneyland! Love you guys.
Kelsie told me you were all leaving and has been so sad Aniston is leaving. My brother passed away this last week and Kelsie was so sad to miss school and not be able to see her before she left. Kelsie came into the house with red eyes and everyone asked if she was taking things ok and I had to say yeah she is actually just sad because her friend is moving. It was actually pretty funny. Anyway I hope you don't mind if we keep an eye on your blog so Kelsie can see Ana she is wanting to email too. Good luck with the move this week
Kel loved the picture of Cam in the tree, he wants to "visit New Zealand some day to see him and play with him cuz it used to be more funner at his house".
You guys are awesome! Good luck in New Zealand--we'll look forward to hearing all the latest and greatest news.
What a cute family you have! I have a private blog, if you want an invite just email me at beckychatwin@gmail.com. My sis Sarah also has a blog (it isn't private). Have fun in NZ! Tell Sonna hi!
Yay, lots happening - loved all the pics. Hope the transition goes well. Keep me posted on when you guys will be in New Zealand - so exciting!
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