Friday, January 29, 2010

January Birthday Month

I am so tired and it is only 8 pm, so I'm going to let most of these photos speak for themselves. Let's just say that while Jonah's sister Charity was here, we celebrated Elsie's birthday (see last post too). Then we went to Port Townsend on the way to the airport and rode the ferry and then very very sadly said goodbye to Charity. She was sad/happy because she was leaving us, but when she got home, she only had a few more days before she left for Thailand and India for a month long humanitarian adventure.

Happy Birthday Elsie! Time for the Terrible Threes!

Port Townsend:

The ferry, and some great wind hair shots by Ana:

Jonah's other sister Shawni told us about this great way to curl girls' hair by tying socks in their hair (instead of old-school sponge curlers, for example)... we tried it on Elsie, and I think I might have tied them too tight:

Cam's birthday is 8 days after Elsie's. We had a SUPERHERO party (even though Cam isn't really into Superheroes, I think he just thought it would be cool). He has some fun little friends and we played all sorts of Superhero games on the 72 degrees warm winter day:
Superman muscle shirt contest.

Spiderman web game.

About four games with 15 cardboard boxes, including a Silly String war, skyscraper building contest, and "knock through the wall" game.

A villian stole the cake and the kids' followed clues to find him and capture the villian.

I can't believe our little guy is 6!
Jonah made the AMAZING Gotham City Cake.

Onto February!


J & J said...

your kids are getting so big, i can't believe it! i love these photos, especially the ones where you tied elsie's hair. my grandma used to tie all of our hair when we were little and it usually ended up in disaster. gotta love it.

Shawni said...

Yeah, you're only supposed to tie four socks gotta try it again to see if it works. And I LOVE the cakes...I couldn't see them too clearly but they looked very original. Oh I miss those kids!!!! And you guys of course. I'm so glad you're updating the good old blog again. Love you!

Amanda said...

Aw... Great pictrues! I can't believe how big the kids are getting! they are just darling!

I couldn't help but smile at Elsie's hair in the 'rag' curlers... i used to do my hair like that all the time! I totally forgot about it... i'll have to do Caitlin's hair like that sometime!

You guys are awesome! Happy Birthdays!! :)ps. awesome cakes!