Sunday, January 18, 2009

Saint George Snow and Christmas in Arizona

Right after we got back from Logan and the snow, it snowed here... like crazy! You've never seen anything like it. Even Las Vegas got tons of snow. It's cool to see snow all over the mountains and the desert, but we were glad when it melted three days later. As Jonah heard from our 89-year-old neighbor Nelda, "This is CRAP!" But, we tried to make the best of it and make some snowmen and did some sledding down the mudhill next door. The little neighbor girls in the photo showed up at our house with garbage bags lining the inside of their pants. Classic.

Cam's not a big snow fan unless he's skiing. We did force him outside one time, though. He did his "snow" duty and came right back inside.

A few days before Christmas, after I recovered from some food poisoning (happens every Christmas, I swear. I need to lay off the neighbor gifts.. ha ha), we trekked down to Wickenburg, Arizona to spend some time with my mom. We got to go visit my aunt JoRita in Scottsdale and Jonah's sister Shawni and her family, his brother Josh, and his parents and his brother Eli and his wife who were also down there visiting. Ana got to spend some quality with her BCF Grace.

We opted for decorating cookies this year instead of gingerbread houses, which was hard for me to let go of, but it all ended up okay. My mom is the master homemaker of the century. Her house down there in AZ is gorgeous and always impeccably clean. In fact, Jonah and I went for a one-hour bike ride on the day after Christmas, and by the time we got back, she had all the Christmas decorations put away and the house put together. I can only aspire...

Mary and Joseph took their parts in the Nativity reenactment very seriously. It was a nice production this year, as was the annual talent show. Luckily, Sonna (my sister) and Sloan and their little Ruthie showed up the day before Christmas to round out the show's numbers.

Christmas morning was a blast, even with Santa's totally pared down gift giving. Cam is just great in a helmet. How could Santa resist?

Elsie loves Ariel so much, and has carried around the little Ariel "polly pocket" doll from Santa so much that her head actually off yesterday. Ariel's head, not Elsie's.

Cam is the best present opener ever... he gets SO SO SO excited. Elsie's good too... she says, "ooohhhhh, what is it?" over and over again as she's opening presents.

My ellusive brother Tyler actually surprised us and showed up Christmas night. The kids were OVERjoyed. They adore their uncle TyTy. probably because he plays so hard to get.

Since we're always afraid Tyler is going to be kidnapped by some crazy group when he is overseas, we thought we'd prepare and take a "missing person" poster photo now, just in case. Handsome little guy, isn't he. MERRY CHRISTMAS!

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