First, we had her three best friends come over for a little lunch, trampoline jumping and cupcake eating... all three girls are within two months of each other in age. Two of the girls live next door (one on each side) and one girl is a friend from church. It is just the cutest to have them play together.
Here is part of their fancy lunch, which is not much to brag about...
But man, oh man! These cupcakes were delicious... and this is coming from a person whom does not like cake or cupcakes. Mmmmmm. I was trying to find a good way to use up some of the cream cheese I had leftover from Thanksgiving, and I think this was a worthy use...
These girls are all so easy and fun, so they actually really enjoyed such a simple, formless birthday party.
All Po cares about anyway is blowing out candles...
Helper for the present opening...
Hammock time!
And then, that night, we had a family birthday party, including the Andersons (like family) and the Mathews (like family too... especially because they were visiting from the mainland!)
Love our Po!
Some of our favorite things about Poem right now:
She has an amazing memory! She can even remember back when she was 18 months old. She remembers songs, poems, people... she even remembers directions and can tell me where we are going by landmarks she sees from the car.
She is very cuddly in the early morning when she crawls in our bed and goes back to sleep. She doesn't even wiggle. She just cuddles right up next to us and lays still and goes back to bed.
She is getting good at cleaning up and getting her friends to clean up.
She is fearless when it comes to physical activity (except for anything that might get her face wet). She's been begging to learn to ride a bike. She wears slippery rollerblades around the house. She hangs upside down on everything. She runs full speed down our street. And she's good at it all too!
Jonah says, "She's receptive to reasoning." Um, receptive to dad's discussions and reasoning. I'm not so good at that myself. I usually just go lock myself in the bathroom.
She has a great sense of humor. For example, she'll say, "Hi. I'm hungry. Nice to meet you. (shakes my hand) Now give me some food." She just comes up with funny things to say and then laughs at herself. She also has an imaginary "baby brother" who lives in her belly. If she does a stinky or burps or something else impolite, she says, "Ohhhh, baby brother!" and rubs her belly.
She's always trying to spell her name... it goes like this, Po-E-M. Poem.
When she lets us do her hair, she's pretty darn cute.
Love you Poem!
1 comment:
so sweet!
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