Friday, September 20, 2013

Lake Powell

These are going to be some of your run-of-the-mill Lake Powell photos... except, darn! I didn't take my camera went we went exploring the canyons. Just go to someone else's blog about Lake Powell and pretend its us, K?

The house boat stayed in the marina and we just took the ski boat out for rides and canyon exploring. It was a crowded weekend out on the lake, so we were actually relieved to be able to just base out of the calm and quiet of the marina, with its full sized showers and regular bathrooms and calm nights. Plus, the kids really just wanted to ride the tubes and jetskis and didn't care about exploring as much as I did, so it was a great way to do it. 

We even got Jonah out on something other than a water ski! What the what?!

I had never experienced the strange and marvelous houseboat culture of Lake Powell. It was great. They are like strange, slow moving yachts, but in a way, much more functional ,yet not as luxurious or seaworthy. I love the little add ons, like the slides and diving boards and BBQ areas and playgrounds. I also love how people try to make them like floating houses, but not like Sausalito Floating Houses, more like track houses. It's just so strange and interesting and surprisingly fun. 
Jonah and I were seriously amazed at how lucky we were to get to go hang on this massive boat with these guys. It was a great introduction for me to Lake Powell, but maybe I'll be too spoiled now when we go and won't feel satisfied on an only one-story house boat. :) 

Wahoo! Thanks Spencer and Katrina! Great fun!