Charity (Jonah's youngest sister who visited last week) FINALLY caved in and got an iPhone, and she uses it like a pro. She takes great photos with it and then uses her "polaroid" app to make them even better. I couldn't resist posting them on here, especially since an Elsie-caused computer power down ATE about 200 of my iPhone's photos tonight!! I don't even want to think about it anymore, so let's just delight together in Charity's photos of her trip up here. I'll try to provide as little commentary as possible so you can just enjoy the photos... and there are many...
Also, while I'm here waiting for the photos to upload, the survey results and our own HEARTS are leading closer to Poeme as the baby's name (French spelling and pronunciation of Poem). Type it in with "French-Julie" to hear it pronounced correctly. I might also have Elsie do a video, because she says it beautifully.
I'm thrilled to have so many people support me in this name because I've loved it since it came to me at about 18 weeks into the pregnancy. For those of you who are fence sitters on that name... too bad for you, but I do have two girl piglets and about 40 girl chickens who need names, so I'll give them the leftovers after we name our baby. :)
Actually, it was really fun doing the baby name survey. THANK YOU TO ALL WHO PARTICIPATED... AND THERE WERE A LOT OF YOU! I was amazed at all the responses we got.
I also learned that people who loved the name Poem/Poeme did NOT like Ruby and vice versa. They were the only two names that were linked. IN FACT, some of the Ruby-lovers/Poem-haters went so far as to vote numerous times from the same computer or computers in the same vicinity... but Survey Monkey alerted me to the fact and your attempts were foiled, you crazy Team Ruby people.
So to sum up, the top three names were Poem, Tess and Ruby, but for reasons I won't pontificate on, Ruby is 100% out and Tess is hard because that's my mom's nickname and it might all be too confusing. Plus, Tess Eyre sounds like Tessire, or Desire. So, maybe it'll be Poeme Terese and you Ruby lovers can call her Tess anyway.
My second favorite name was Geneva and Jonah's second favorite was Scout, but neither of us like each other's second favorite name so they're out too. Sorry. I know there are a lot of Scout lovers out there, but I just can't...
Okay, I think the photos are finally uploaded after an hour here.
Nope. I'll go check on the piglets and be right back.
Okay. Piglets are nursing, chickens are boarded up, cat is somewhere asleep, the kids and Jonah are snoring, and its 11 pm. Let's get this done:

We promptly lost all of our autumn leaves in the snow and windstorm. Here's the last known photo of the beauty we enjoyed all season.

Most of the chickens had to move to the cellar during the snowstorm. The coop couldn't handle the four foot snow drifts that accumulated later that night.
It's because he had snow gloves on.

The only coat I have that fits around my gigantic belly... but it sure is warm. Charity could fit one of my children in there with her.
Charity hit her second one straight on!
Happy Holidays!
Thanks for all the great photos and great memories Charity!
Love all the photos... The Polaroid app is awesome, I'll have to remember that when we break down and get ours!
Poeme is a beautiful name, and of course i LOVE TERESE!! Can't wait to see her... I already know she's amazing because she's an Eyre!!
LOVE the pick-up boat!! You guys rock! Happy Thanksgiving!
Goodness Eyers! You guys make me wonder what I do all day with no turkeys to slaughter, chickens to keep in the cellar, piglets to check up on, crabs to catch...what DO I do all day?
I love Elsie's super pink cheeks out in the snow.
we really wanted to come visit you guys and now we REALLY want to come visit you guys, but not until it warms up up there. for the time being could you please spray some of your coooooolness (NOT the cold kind!) down our way. thanks for the updates!
Whoa, you guys are amazing. We love you and MISS you!! I'm so very impressed with that humongo turkey.
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