We've had SO much fun and she's only been here for three days.
Above: Cam at the Seattle Library.


This is the face Cam makes for most of the game.

Ana's game was awesome and they won! And Ana is the most annoying defensive player ever, which makes her excellent.

oh my goodness, that youngest sister of jonah's really is strikingly pretty! and she seems like lots of fun. woah, do you think you have enough pictures of her?? and i like the captions about seattle - they are so original.
spicy jam in pike's place market - yesssss! and i'll walk down the street and add a piece of gum to the wall every day because i love it.
okay, bye. see you in the morning.
this is a peculiar comment!
love you guys!
oh my goodness, that youngest sister of jonah's is really strikingly pretty! and she seems like lots of fun. but woah, do you think you have enough pictures of her?
my favourite part of this post is the captions about seattle. very original. laugh out loud witty.
so, is that really pretty youngest sister of jonah's really single? i doubt it.
okay - this is wierd - i'm done talking about myself in the 3rd person. i really like you guys a lot. thanks for the adventures!!!
ok, I want to move there...just to live by that forest.. I would go there every single day and take pictures...and maybe I'd even run into some vampires there. Sounds like you guys sure picked a great place to live!
Wow, this makes me think maybe we should go to Seattle for MFME! Heck with New Zealand!!! That is knock dead gorgeous! Plus that youngest sister of Jonah's is pretty awesome...as is the new camera! What fabulous pictures!
I love the photos of Elsie on the boat and all the photos on the lake and of course of you three in the tree. So cute. How fun to have Charity with you for a while. You are such a good looking family. LOVE you ALL,
Aja and Jonah,
I just love your blog. You guys look like you have the best time!! Seriously. I especially love that you have your own chickens and that you went to Port Angeles to see New Moon. What a cool life. Can I come?
Darcy (Jonah's friend from Jerusalem)
Okay I am still sick from looking at the gum wall. Ewww. So, I need your new address. Will you email me with it? jewls147@gmail.com Thanks!!
1) Where did you get Elsie's coat--please do not say DI because I cannot get one if you got it at DI.
2) How does Elsie know there are vampires in the pacific north west?
3) How did basket ball win over wrestling!?!
1) Where did you get Elsie's coat--please do not say DI because I cannot get one if you got it at DI.
Sorry. It was actually Jonah's sister's when she was a baby... his parents bought it in England, but it was made in America in 1985. Rothchild. Charity has let us borrow it for 8 years since Ana was a baby.
2) How does Elsie know there are vampires in the pacific north west?
Charity told her. Then Charity felt bad because Elsie was scared. Then I asked Elsie if she knows what a vampire is... she said no, but it was scary.
3) How did basket ball win over wrestling!?!
Ha ha. The outfits. and the lack of ear muffs.
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