By the time I actually get a decent family photo, my kids will be moved out. Shawni, help?Jonah and I got some food poisoning this last week, so when we finally came through on Saturday, I really had to get out of the house. While Jonah was on an errand with a friend, the kids and I got everything loaded up to go hiking. Jonah was so surprised and happy when he came home. Its like his "Number 2 Favorite Thing in the World" if I organize a hiking/camping/boating trip and invite him along.
We drove up to beautiful Pine Valley, which is only 45 minutes from our house! I had always heard about it, and it was rumored to have wonderfully cool weather this time of year, which I was looking forward to in the midst of this desert summer. Well, Pine Valley delivered on all accounts. It was gorgeous, easy to get to, cool, and fun for kids.
I am NOT one to put many landscape shots on the blog, but when you live in the desert, it is nothing short of a miracle to find somewhere this verdant so nearby. It was such a delight to be surrounded by all the crisp green.

Everytime we start a hike (and we hike a lot), the kids tell me how much they hate hiking. By the end, they are always sad we have to leave. It drives me bonkers, but they are pretty good kids anyway.
Cam and I came around a corner to find Elsie in a river. Nice try on a funny joke, Jonah, but we knew you had left her there on purpose. 

As long as I'm always handing Elsie something to put in her mouth, she enjoys her camel rides.
They have a nice reservoir up there. I told Ana to rolls her pants up a bit before she crossed the rocks, and she really went all out. Have a great week!
love your cute kids...we will have to try out that same hike...get away from this heat!
What a fun hike! Your kids are so beautiful! I know what you mean about a decent family picture. I keep wanting to get one, but we just can't seem to get it done! sigh...
It looks like we've missed a beautiful spot during our tour !
Great kids !
Thomas and Karine
hey! Looks like you guys are enjoying life as usual! I love it! I miss you! Oh and I have a new blog sight...same great blog...different address...!
So fun guys. And I love the family pic. You guys are one gorgeous fam.
You guys always look like you are getting out and having a great time! And your kids are getting to be so big - wow. Thought the family picture was so nice!
If you want to feel better about your family picture go look at our latest (top o' the blog). It's pretty wretched, but it was honestly the best we could get out of four tired kids.
And by the way, I LOVE your picture. I think it's really cute. . . although I'm sure my opinion won't mean much after you look at ours!! And cute blog post too.
Hi Aja,
I found your blog. Now we can be cyber friends! We had fun looking through some pictures. St. George is beautiful and your trips are amazing. I don't know how you do it with young must be RELAXED. My favorite post was when Anna did the lemonade stand.
-lindsay and kyle lewis
I love Pine Valley! Your kids are growing up too fast. Cute pictures!
Jonah & Aja! Hey guys, I miss you all! I can't wait for babies that I can just leave in the middle of rivers. I loved your hiking pics and stories. Hope you guys are doing so well. Nearly done with my house up here - can't wait to finish and move on to the next "stage" of my life. :) You guys are troopers. Makes me SOOO look forward to parenting. love you, heather
Adorable pictures!! Looks like you guys have been having a great summer!! Are you ready for school to start yet?!?
Wow, I missed this entry! What gorgeous pictures. We've got to go there when we come down next. Looks fabulous...especially with all those cute kids and great parents popping into the picture once in a while!
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