Sunday, May 11, 2008

Too long since blogged

For some reason, I don't have many photos from this last month. We did have some crazy-as fun going up to Salt Lake City for Jonah's youngest brother Eli's wedding to totally rockin' Julie. Here is one photo from our camera: So, I would like to refer you to some of the most awesome wedding photos ever. It helps that the couple is the most gorgeously matched couple ever. Here are some sites to click to:

The kids had a great time, even though I didn't really want to bring them. Ana especially loved being with her cousin Gracie. Cam enjoyed his brief moments of privacy after all the craziness, of course.

We had a fun Mother's Day today with the traditional picnic in the park with my mom. Ana made me the most awesome cards. One of them was a long list that she transcribed herself of the things she, Camden, and Jonah love about me. Camden's "loves" mostly had to do with how warm I am in my bed in the morning when he comes and climbs in with me and gets his feet toasty. Ana's were so sweet, and she even mentioned that she likes when I help her practice her piano, which made me feel better, because I feel like whenever I have to come down there to help her it ends up a very bad experience. She does much better if I just stay out of it. Anyway, they were some great cards and I feel so lucky to be in this family.

My sister-in-law Shawni also sent this quote I really liked:
"We salute our sisters for the joy that is theirs as they rejoice in a baby's first smile and as they listen with eager ear to a child's first day at school...Women, more quickly than others, will understand the possible dangers when the word self is militantly placed before other words like fulfillment. They rock a sobbing child without wondering if today's world is passing them by because they know they hold tomorrow tightly in their arms." --Neal A. Maxwell
I love to imagine the exciting lives ahead for my children. I wish I could soak in every moment I have with these kids... its all going by so fast!

Elsie has been pretty sick for the last few days, so I enjoyed holding her in my arms for most of today. She's so cuddly, especially when she's sick, but she needs to snap out of it now because she's gotten so skinny just in two days, and we can see all of her ribs. Man!, we just love that little girl!

Speaking of family, our really good friends Amy and Gary were sealed to their three kids in the Saint George Temple yesterday, and what a fantastic experience that was! Congrats to them!

Happy Mother's Day shout out. I'm a little bit disjointed because I'm happily listening to the new Flight of the Conchords album (that I bought for my mom...but I'm enjoying it for a few hours first, sorry Mom!). I'd post their perfect music here on the blog, except that Jonah and I want to strangle the blogs that automatically play music. But, we love you guys anyway.

Here's some photos since I can't write anything coherent:

Cam has quite the social life for a four-year-old. Here he is with Heath and Kellin at the park. He pretty much plays with one of these two, or his other friend Hadley, every day. He's getting horribly spoiled and doesn't know what to do with himself if he doesn't have a friend over, or if Ana isn't home from school. He's really excited for Elsie to learn to play TMNT with him someday to fill in the gaps in his friend-time. Live it up dude... you can't be popular forever.

We took a little bike ride to the fish ponds, but didn't catch anything. Gotta love Cam in a helmet, though. One of my favorite things.

My mom gave us a wagon for Christmas, and we are still loving it. Elsie is not constipated, she just has a mouthful of water.

The kids got Jonah a trampoline for his birthday from the DI, since he's been trying to talk me into a trampoline for awhile. I had trampolines growing up (well, except for when we lived in the apartment for 1.5 years...but we had a skip-it), so I can do just fine without one. Besides, the kids LOVE the little one just fine. And, they don't try to do any flips on it. Not yet, at least. That's Cam's Sylvester Stallone face.

1 comment:

Shawni said...

Hey guys...miss you. Love the pictures and you need to write more often! Give those cute kids hugs from us!